The recent fraud in Satyam with the involvement of its’ promoters cum CEO Raju brothers and CFO is a test of Indian Corporate Structure. If the company survives after fraud amounting to nearly Rs.7100 crores, which most probably it will, then the corporate world in India can be called truly professional where the company is a separate entity from its key executives/promoters. This fraud is also a wake up call for Ministry of Company Affairs to strengthen the regulations governing companies. Although the govt. has done a commendable job by constituting a new board of Directors and assuring necessary funding to the company. Still my best wishes to the Indian Corporate Structure, may it strikes back stronger after this malignation and proves the world that are safe investment destination with best of professional ethos.
Five Things I’m Grateful for in This Year (2020)
I’m Grateful for this year. Yes, the year 2020. The year when covid-19
pandemic threw our lives in complete mess even while we sit in the comfort
of our...
4 years ago
read ur blog TEST OF INDIAN CORPORATE STRUCTURE good tha yar seriously all the best... rest yar we only gona make te future corporate structure... isnt it?... :)