Monday, January 19, 2009



The sweet morning freshness
Enters my skin
Makes me feel blessed
Feels like heaven
When the little drops over flower platelets
Glance at me through it’s pores

And the manmade music
In itself a blessing
When the sweet sounds entering my ears touch the brain
Some magical hormones flow
And I don’t wanna ask anymore questions
Why the grass is greener today,
Why amaltas tree leaves are in a joyous mood
And why my eyes glittering?

May be because ‘m more interested in this seemingly immortal blissful fruit
Which is making me feel like dancing,
In this rain of ecstatic hormones
Which is flowing through my veins
After passing through the parrots, flowers, early morning sun
Along with the divine silence.

I know for sure
That this is the feeling I had been looking for long
Which helps me realize my dream
Of a pretty helpful world
leaving the vagaries of life behind
my dream of a perfect world and a perfect life
I don’t wanna open my eyes anymore,
Its like a child does not wanna come out of bed for fear of cold
But then I have had enough share of cold,
Now it’s just the time to get pleasure in being carried away with the nature’s gifts.


  1. nice description yar.. n a very good use of words... u remember u shew me poem when we were studin at IQ sec 32 chd... why dint u publish that poem here?? it was good do publish it..

  2. Hey Pradeep!!
    Its a Wonderfull poem :-) INTENSE .. really love it! Your expression is superb..
    my thoughts are inexpressible ...

    You seem to be a nature lover.. With evry new write up of urs an altogether different side of you is reflected .. :-)
